🪑 Sit Anywhere Script [STANDALONE]

:chair: REDM - Sit Anywhere Script [STANDALONE]

Introducing the REDM - Sit Anywhere Script , your ultimate tool for adding immersive and fluid sitting animations to your RedM server! This standalone script allows players to sit anywhere on the map with beautifully crafted scenarios, making the gameplay experience more engaging and realistic. With fully configurable options, you can tailor the script to fit your server’s style and needs.

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Key Features:

  • :chair: Dynamic Sitting: Allows players to sit anywhere on the map using a variety of smooth and realistic animations.
  • :clapper: Beautiful Scenarios: Choose from a wide range of sitting scenarios, including normal sitting, playing a guitar, smoking a cigar, or even drawing in a notebook.
  • :art: Fully Configurable: Customize everything from the keys to trigger actions to the specific animations used for each scenario.
  • :earth_africa: Multilingual Support: Available in English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, and Italian.
  • :old_key: Easy to Use: Simple and intuitive prompts for sitting and standing, with keys fully customizable to your preference.

Configuration Options:

Here are some of the key configuration options available:

  • ConfigSitting.Locale = 'English' – Set the language of the script.
  • ConfigSitting.DefaultScenario = "MP_LOBBY_PROP_HUMAN_SEAT_CHAIR" – Define the default sitting scenario.
  • ConfigSitting.Prompts.Standup.key = 0x7DA48D2A – Configure the key to stand up (default is X).
  • ConfigSitting.Prompts.OpenMenu.key = 0x41AC83D1 – Configure the key to open the menu (default is E).
  • ConfigSitting.maleSitScenario – Define a variety of sitting scenarios for male characters.
  • ConfigSitting.femaleSitScenario – Define a variety of sitting scenarios for female characters.


  • No, it’s standalone

[FiveM Asset Escrow System]
Script is protected using Cfx’s Asset Escrow system.

Unencrypted Files:

  • config.lua
  • data/chairlist.lua

:shopping_cart: How to Get It:

To purchase and download the script, visit our Tebex store and complete your purchase. Detailed instructions and support will be provided to ensure you can easily integrate the script into your server.

:shopping_cart: Buy This Script on Tebex

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No (but subscription aviable)
Lines (approximately) ~1000
Requirements No, It’s Standalone
Support Yes, with free modifications
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Best scripts :heart:

:zap: Changelog - Huge Script Updates

ctrl_sitting v1.05 → v1.07

Heads up! We’ve pushed some updates to our scripts.

What’s New:

  • Complete redesign of the script, improved object detection performance, and much more.

What You Need to Do:
Update your scripts ASAP to stay synced with the latest changes. Open ticket if you run into any issues.