SimpleMenu w/ Ace Permissions and made in Lua

No, but this menu allows it. You just have to set it up yourself. This is how.

  • Go to line 386
  • On this line add the spawn codes to the department you want
    Format: ‘[spawn code]’,
  • Now go to line 454 and remove the two dashes to each department you added spawn codes too
  • Then go to wiki (how to add ace perms) and follow those instructions.

EDIT: If you want me to make a separate menu – so exclusive to you – you can add me on Discord and I will give you more info there.

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What file do i get into for that? the simpleMenu.lua? Also how can i make it so only admins/leos can use this and not civs. whats your discord name?


It is already set for this. The ace permissions are in place and only LEOs can use.

i installed it to my server and reg. civs. are able to use it…

Hi, is it possible you could add an option to choose the skin of the car. We have a police roleplay server and would love to be able to choose the department skin when the spawn the police car.

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You mean “change liveries”?

Yes sorry, meant liveries lol

I would suggest for the civilians . To have some more functions like drag carry take hostage give blindfold gag etc…

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just a suggestion. super jump , super speed, super punch (config dmg) . would be cool to use this for events where people take on a supervillian. and/or set it up to where a group of people can be super heroes. Might be beyond the scope of your vision, just something I would like to see. Another thing… a question SO the ace perms ( still new to using them ) if someone does not have the any aceperms in the server.cfg that means they can’t even open the menu right? if that’s true then my idea of a "super hero/villian panel would work even better. Anyways keep up the great work.!!

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Hi to everyone
I have a question how i can setup the permission for user and dont allow them to open the menu.

is this server sided?

Yes, it is server sided.