SimpleDispatch (Command)

Download (Github)

This little scripts add’s a command called /dispatch
If you use it, it will send a notification to the ‘police’ job with your ingame-name, and the reason
And also to you, with the notification ‘Your dispatch was sent! A unit will arrive as fast as possible’

There’s is no config, because there’s not much to configure.

As always, you just have to put it into your resource folder, and add ‘ensure SimpleDispatch’ to your server.cfg

You may edit it, but please don’t claim it as yourself.

If you find any bugs, I’m happy to read them in this topic.

Click here to see my other work.

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Only aim in first person [STANDALONE] [FREE]
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Why is it triggering on F9?

What do you mean?

qbcore version pls!

I will take a look at the QBCore-Framework and I will decide if yes or no

Thanks for the suggestion.


Hey, I’m currently on vacation , but I’ve already write it down so I won’t forget.

QBCore version comming out soon.


Beim Drücken von F9 wird ein dispatch getriggert

you back?

Werde ich mir anschauen, vielen dank.

Yup. Can’t get QBCore version working somehow, will have to take further looks to it