Be sure to update it for all Gamebuilds just in case. I encountered a similar issue but have since updated the ASI to support all Gamebuilds.
Is it Possible to Get EVE working?
Tried using the above method, it loads but is broken. It’s likely the mod will have to be updated in the code directly.
If we can get EVE working, It would be a huge benefit to the community. As Box said above, It would need to require some edits to the code.
New fx_asi_build res coming shortly, Just waiting to test it then it shall be released.
@anon70864786 Thank you Young King
hey when you will upload fx_asi_build?
Gamebuild isn’t supported yet, when it is, he’ll update it. Just be patient like the rest of us.
scripthookv updated for single player, maybe you can test it for single player?
Excellent! I’ll test it out after I get out the day job. Although I do believe single player won’t be an issue since I’ve never seen a fx build check innt, we’ll find out soon enough though.
Edit: Single player doesn’t care for the build fx file, ran into issues with simple trainer and manual transmission. Looks like Rockstar added/changed some natives around again but heres the .res file for when those get updated
fx_asi_build.res (424 Bytes)
Goated! Thanks man
Here is Menyoo and OpenCameraV with
- 2189
- 2372
- 2545
- 2612
- 2628
- 2699
- 2802
Menyoo.asi (3.0 MB)
openCameraV.asi (124.5 KB)
How do you even make a .res file
I’ll make a how-to video when I get a moment too
You sir! Are a bloody life saver.
Thank you for all the work you do for this community. It doesn’t go unnoticed
Nice! Seems easy enough. Thanks dude.
Thanks man, i thought it’s harder, but it’s easy
Might be a dumb question but I must ask… Are there any updates/issues seen or note worthy since December '22? Especially since the most recent build is 2802 (mpchristmas3/Los Santos Drug Wars) according to GetGameBuildNumber - FiveM Natives @ Docs. Been reading through this thread to understand how to have camera restrictions removed for a FiveM film project, figured this is the best place to ask around since I use 2699 (The Criminal Enterprises). Cheers!
I haven’t into any issues but what exactly are you trying to do?