Simple Trainer won't show up

Thank you for your amazing sharing!

Is it possible to make a 2699 version of this?

Or make a detailed tutorial, like what tools will be used or something like that.

The one I posted is 2699 ready, keep scrolling up to find out how to implement in your asi files.

@anon70864786 @TyRanAway i’m just following the footsteps of those before us :upside_down_face::muscle:t4:


i have problem with menyoo, i imported new fx_asi_build, but my menyoo crashes when i entering Player Options.

Use spooner then select player then go to player options.


Selecting player options may cause crash to desktop. Use spooner to select your ped

Criminal Enterprise. TrainerV; Menyoo; Lambda; OpenInterior, OpenCamera for 2699 and before builds

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Can anyone make this work for fivem?
I’ve tried but with no success ;/

Scroll up, I provided one alongside Menyoo, you’ll just have to update it to 2699 :stuck_out_tongue:

Welp, I’ve been using openCameraV, but it’s only removing camera range limit.
The one I’ve provided have collisions removed etc.

i managed to do that myself

NoEditorRestrictions.asi (392.5 KB)
NoEditorRestrictions.ini (711 Bytes)


There is Guys, .res file for any script do you want to add compatibility, added currently all builds:

2189, 2372, 2545, 2612, 2628, 2699

fx_asi_build.res (368 Bytes)

And for lazies, thereis the Menyoo and OpenCameraV for 2189, 2372, 2545, 2612, 2628 and 2699

Menyoo.asi (3.0 MB)
openCameraV.asi (124.5 KB)


hi im new and im trying to make menyoo open with f4 so i changed the open key in the config but it still only opens with f8 and that is annoying because of the console.
Does anyone know how to properly change it?

I think we need to update it again, even though it works for 2699, clicking Player Options crashes to desktop :thinking:

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2189 2372 2545 2612 2628 2699 support for lazies :stuck_out_tongue:

NoBoundaryLimits.asi (524.5 KB)

3 Likes here is updated menyoo

I have Updated the Menyoo.asi File for the People who don’t Know how to do it

If you need More help HMU

Menyoo.asi (3.1 MB)


I’m probably an idiot, but how do I install it? :sweat_smile: I just dropped it into the plugins folder in FiveM and when I start editor It creates log in GTA V folder where is

[2022-09-12 20:41:17.537] [INFO] Log file created (NoBoundaryLimits.asi, build Sep 14 2021, (C) alloc8or)
[2022-09-12 20:41:17.538] [INFO] Detected Windows 10 Enterprise (10.0.19041.1889)
[2022-09-12 20:41:17.541] [INFO] Using game version 1.0.2699.0
[2022-09-12 20:41:17.542] [INFO] Successfully retrieved MODULEINFO: C:\Users\drago\AppData\Local\FiveM\\data\cache\subprocess\FiveM_b2699_GTAProcess.exe => 0x00007FF77B120000 (0x0644F000)
[2022-09-12 20:41:17.545] [INFO] Creating thread...
[2022-09-12 20:41:17.548] [INFO] Created thread, id 0x49A0
[2022-09-12 20:41:17.550] [INFO] Reading settings...
[2022-09-12 20:41:17.552] [INFO] patch_player_world_limits = true
[2022-09-12 20:41:17.553] [INFO] patch_global_height_limit = true
[2022-09-12 20:41:17.555] [INFO] patch_entity_map_depth_limit = false
[2022-09-12 20:41:17.556] [INFO] patch_explosives_boundary = true
[2022-09-12 20:41:17.557] [INFO] patch_entity_spawn_boundary = true
[2022-09-12 20:41:17.558] [INFO] patch_entity_task_boundary = true
[2022-09-12 20:41:17.560] [INFO] patch_camera_boundary = true
[2022-09-12 20:41:17.560] [INFO] patch_velocity_limit = false
[2022-09-12 20:41:56.015] [INFO] patchPlayerWorldLimits succeeded!
[2022-09-12 20:41:56.045] [INFO] patchGlobalHeightLimit succeeded!
[2022-09-12 20:41:56.074] [INFO] patchExplosivesBoundary succeeded!
[2022-09-12 20:41:56.089] [INFO] patchEntitySpawnBoundary succeeded!
[2022-09-12 20:41:56.108] [INFO] patchEntityTaskBoundary succeeded!
[2022-09-12 20:41:56.110] [INFO] patchCameraBoundary succeeded!

But it doesn’t work. My camera is still limited

the script works great, but it’s not for the camera

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As of late (within the last week) Menyoo.asi causes me to infinitely load and my server won’t start for me client side. (Suddenly it worked fine before) If I remove the asi I can load in fine but otherwise… Infinite load and sometimes crash. I have tested with no resources as well so that is ruled out. I have ensure my asi is 2545 via this thread guide. My server gamebuild is 2545 as well.

Please help if you have a fix. This is a huge inconvenience and affecting my ability to do a lot of must do things.