Really simple ragdoll script. You can activate it with H and cancel with E.
Ped-Ragdol.7z (1.1 KB)
> local Keys = {
> ["ESC"] = 322, ["F1"] = 288, ["F2"] = 289, ["F3"] = 170, ["F5"] = 166, ["F6"] = 167, ["F7"] = 168, ["F8"] = 169, ["F9"] = 56, ["F10"] = 57,
> ["~"] = 243, ["1"] = 157, ["2"] = 158, ["3"] = 160, ["4"] = 164, ["5"] = 165, ["6"] = 159, ["7"] = 161, ["8"] = 162, ["9"] = 163, ["-"] = 84, ["="] = 83, ["BACKSPACE"] = 177,
> ["TAB"] = 37, ["Q"] = 44, ["W"] = 32, ["E"] = 38, ["R"] = 45, ["T"] = 245, ["Y"] = 246, ["U"] = 303, ["P"] = 199, ["["] = 39, ["]"] = 40, ["ENTER"] = 18,
> ["CAPS"] = 137, ["A"] = 34, ["S"] = 8, ["D"] = 9, ["F"] = 23, ["G"] = 47, ["H"] = 74, ["K"] = 311, ["L"] = 182,
> ["LEFTSHIFT"] = 21, ["Z"] = 20, ["X"] = 73, ["C"] = 26, ["V"] = 0, ["B"] = 29, ["N"] = 249, ["M"] = 244, [","] = 82, ["."] = 81,
> --["LEFTCTRL"] = 36,
> ["LEFTALT"] = 19, ["SPACE"] = 22, ["RIGHTCTRL"] = 70,
> ["HOME"] = 213, ["PAGEUP"] = 10, ["PAGEDOWN"] = 11, ["DELETE"] = 178,
> ["LEFT"] = 174, ["RIGHT"] = 175, ["TOP"] = 27, ["DOWN"] = 173,
> ["NENTER"] = 201, ["N4"] = 108, ["N5"] = 60, ["N6"] = 107, ["N+"] = 96, ["N-"] = 97, ["N7"] = 117, ["N8"] = 61, ["N9"] = 118
> }
> local ragdoled = false
> Citizen.CreateThread(function()
> while true do
> Citizen.Wait(0)
> if IsControlJustReleased(1, Keys['H']) then
> ragdoled = true
> if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(), false) then
> ragdoled = false
> notify("~r~Error~w~ you can't ragdoll!")
> end
> end
> if ragdoled == true then
> SetPedToRagdoll(GetPlayerPed(-1), 1000, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> alert("Press ~INPUT_PICKUP~ to stand up")
> if IsControlJustPressed(0, Keys['E']) then
> ragdoled = false
> end
> end
> end
> end)
> --[ [ FUNCTIONS ] ]
> function notify(text)
> SetNotificationTextEntry("STRING")
> AddTextComponentString(text)
> DrawNotification(true, true)
> end
> function alert(msg)
> SetTextComponentFormat("STRING")
> AddTextComponentString(msg)
> DisplayHelpTextFromStringLabel(0,0,1,-1)
> end