Shutdown !!!
Accepting new application daily! Apply today at
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✯ Whitelist Application:
Review Time Boys (Sorry for bad english)
First things first i do not bash anyone for there work on creating there server on how they want so please dont take what im about to say to heart. This is coming from a person who comes from high end whitelist servers.
First things first i waited about 2 days i believe to get whitelisted (very slow on applications being read seen one other get whitelisted with me and seen huge list of others with no whitelist role… could just be a community discord for something else as well idk)
This server took me 20mins to look around and get a feel for it.
-Character creation was fine had a nice menu for it easy to use and personally i like the menu they have for it.
-Car physics/speed… all i can say is insane… found a car at the PDM that was a corvette and the acceleration on that thing was literally broken/overpowered i lost a cop twice in less then 20 seconds.
car speeds go up to 200mph same with cop cars. (NEEDS TO BE NERFED/BALANCED)
-Economy/ cars arent expensive theres tons of imports which i dig i love a good server with imports that you dont have to pay IRL money to get one like most money hungry servers. Good on you for imports.
-FPS/Performance… im not to sure what loading system they use but its god awful. going 200mph in a car loading in random scripts/player cars/downloading in the background type crap it is but its terrible 20fps spikes randomly. (i have a high end gaming pc never had issues on other servers) could also be to many imports/scripts.
-How well scripted the server is… not very… from generic compass at the top of your screen that looks god awful (i told them to fix/clean it up before i left there discord) to a food market menu that is just names with prices and you use arrow keys to buy stuff.(also told them to do a inventory based shop to just drag and drop items you want).
-Roleplayers… oh boy 10 mins into the server i was chased by a cop so i was like hey lets see what RP experience he has… 2 times he tries to ram me with his car off the bat… i lose him instantly in my broken 200mph car… i go back to go find him he tries to ram me again so i just stop and ask who is your chief that taught you to ram cars instantly doesnt hear me at all cause hes in a discord channel with friends i assume cause there wasnt any other police on but him and another guy soo… second i asked who else is on patrol cause he denied he tried to ram me, catch this he goes only me and another guy ONLINE… -_- then i proceed to just say yeah ima take a flight out the city and he says ima go ooc for a second and explain to me he didnt ram me or break character.
At that point in time i was just like yeah nah this is just another fail server for me trying to find a home.
So from menu systems to generic buy menus/blips on the ground or whatever you wanna call them to police walking around with ARs on there chest breaking character to insane broken cars
I like the whole imported cars not alot of servers do that you either pay IRL money or barely get any good imports or wait for a inactive dealer to sell you one then again your bread aint up on a hard economy city
when will people learn.
i hope this gives you a understanding of the server…
also he promotes his other random discords for whatever reason for his actual brand/stream i guess idk keep that shit out of gta