[🤿 - SHOWCASE ] -> Scuba gear system

Still waiting for October😜, and wanted to show you what I am working on.

A scuba gear system with cool features:

  • :diving_mask:Cool animation when using or removing the scuba gear :boxing_glove:.

  • :diving_mask:Two types of scuba gear with different abilities :muscle:.

  • :diving_mask:Option to decide when to stop diving with the scuba gear :x:.

  • :diving_mask:Cool notifications and sounds that alerts you :exclamation:.

  • :diving_mask:Chance to get a faulty scuba gear🧐.

  • :diving_mask:Amazing progressBar by Ox Lib⌛️.

[:diving_mask:] → Some Pictures:

[:movie_camera:] → here is a short showcase video for you guys:

showcase video

You are welcome to give ideas and feedbacks, see you soon :wave:.

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This a really interesting script my friend!

Happy to hear, it will be free as well.

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That’s really good if you publish it on github i if i see something i can do i will make a commit for sure

It will be there.

Finishing things for tomorrow :wave: