While browsing around the various native functions I stumbled upon the rope-related functions and this idea immediately hit me. At lower speeds it might work fairly well, but at higher speeds it goes completely out of whack and is actually pretty fun just because how bad it is.
Another major issue is that the rope won’t break from collisions, since the rope doesn’t have collision to begin with. So you can make it snap if you hit stuff as far as I know. Nor does it break when it reaches maximum length - which I thought it would.
I initially had a far more in-depth system working for this, but after lots of testing it turns out for this to work both players has to be in the vehicle when the rope is attached. If you attach 2 vehicles to the rope and then enter the vehicles, all hell will break loose. Since I was using GetClosestVehicle which can’t be used while you’re in a vehicle or on vehicles driven by other players - that system was unfortunately redundant. Might be a workaround somehow but I didn’t feel like investing more time in this.
So for now it’s simply command based. /tow .
Video of Towing;
Thought I might throw this in as well, this was how I initially wanted it to work. Sadly it was no bueno in the end. Gets the dimensions of the vehicle to make sure the marker is above the car. A bit hit or miss depending on the vehicle.