Show Society Money in Boss Menu

Hi Guys,
I have to problems i cant figure out.

Problem 1:
Does anyone has a snippet to show society money in the boss menu?

Problem 2
How can i show RP names instead of steam names im using ([Release] esx_scoreboard)

Thanks Guys!

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Not sure what’s boss menu so can’t anwser that question

For showing RP names in esx_scoreboard you probably have to add another argument to this callback and send all rp names

For example ESX.GetPlayers() and then get the firstname and lastname,

Anyone snippets i cant get it to work.

in esx_rpchat goto Config.lua and make Config.EnableESXIdentity True like I have it below. I think this is what you might mean. Hope this helps.

Config = {}
Config.Locale = ‘en’

Config.EnableESXIdentity = true – only turn this on if you are using esx_identity and want to use RP names
Config.OnlyFirstname = false

I have it already like that, but its for scoreboard like i linked it…?

I have the same scoreboard I do believe, and I think this worked. If not, sorry. I’ll check to make sure I have the same scoreboard.

Any updates yet?

I need RP names and show society names too…

Any fixes?

I have a different scoreboard so when I did the RP CHAT thing it showed my RP name and not my Steam name.

Can you help me do that?

bro i have proble, i cant withdraw and deposit when i used boss menu do you know how to fix it ?