SetVehicleWindowTint does not work on latest artifacts

For a good bug report you should probably include:

  1. Client (production/canary) and FXServer version : canary, I tried several artifacts but nothing
  2. What you expected to happen : Window tinting changes
  3. What actually happens : Nothing
  4. Category of bug (eg. client, server, weapons, peds, native) : native “SetVehicleWindowTint”
  5. Reproducible steps, preferably with example script(s) :

I did several tests with several versions of artifacts, some working and others not. I need an artifacts that has the native CreateVehicleServerSetter because I spawn vehicles with this one. But the concern of the native for the windows really blocks me. Here’s an example of code I’m using where printing the entity works fine but changing the tint doesn’t.


I can confirm that this native is not working as intended.

I can confirm that this native is not working as intended.


Actually, this is working. A modkit must be selected before applying tint, for example:

SetVehicleModKit(vehicle, 0)