SetVehicleLivery not working even when setting SetVehicleModKit to 0

So I’m try to apply built-in liveries from GTA V to a vehicle and this doesn’t appear to work.
I’m using something along the lines of:

SetVehicleModKit(entVehicle, 0)
// Code
SetVehicleLivery(entVehicle, intLivery)

Are there some other requirements before this works?

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The SetVehicleLivery native does nothing, however using the normal SetVehicleMod(entVehicle, 48, intLivery) works.

SetVehicleModKit(entVehicle, 0)
-- SetVehicleLivery(ent, tempCarData["Livery"]) -- does not work
SetVehicleMod(ent, 48, tempCarData["Livery"])

Partial solution, look further down for a full solution.


The game has multiple different livery systems, R* switched at some point and everything after that uses the newer system.

Thanks for your response, I’ve looked it up and certain vehicles use GetVehicleLiveryCount and others use GetNumVehicleMods. I’ll use these to differentiate between new and old.

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