Hi, how can I connect to my FiveM server via FTP to upload/delete files? I have created a root server at Prepaidhost and set it up as a vanilla FX server (txadmin). I have access via SSH and have not received FTP access. The operating system is Debian 10.0 Standard.
Download FileZilla. You can watch a youtube tutorial on how to connect it… It’s fairly simple after watching the video.
That’s assuming he has an FTP daemon running on his machine, which I’ve found not to be the case for a lot of FiveM server setups.
Fly, you’ll need to provide more information. What server setup are you running? Did someone provide you FTP login/pass/URL?
There are plenty of Youtube tutorials on that. I would never reply if I didn’t watch them. He literally wrote FTP in the question.
@schwim’s point is that not all server (i.e. actually servers like a VPS or a dedi, not FiveM game server) setups include FTP out of the box. Your statement regarding “watch[ing] a youtube tutorial on how to connect it” might be missing a step, if there is nothing to connect to, i.e. FTP hasn’t be setup.
I have created a root server at Prepaidhost and set it up as a vanilla FX server (txadmin). I have access via SSH and have not received FTP access. The operating system is Debian 10.0 Standard.
There’s a couple of ways to skin the cat. Your first option is to try to connect via SFTP(SSH FTP protocol) by choosing the SFTP protocol and entering your ip/username/address info into an FTP app like Filezilla. If your host has enabled that, you should be all set.
If, however, they’re blocking that capability, you would need to contact them to ask for some FTP connection info.
Thanks, it worked via SFTP.