Settings to output fps with Fivem

help me
my specs

gpu 3080TI
memory 32gb
cpu i710700F

What exactly do you need help with here?

You don’t really specify but I’ll give you some advice, first I don’t know if you use SSD, on the SSD properties, tools, optimize and defragment, delete cache in general from your entire PC, Fivem cache, use balanced options for the VRAM, don’t overload your graphics, keep your PC clean, it could be the thermal paste, good maintenance helps whether you believe it or not, delete system cache, update drivers, lastly may the force be with you bro, I’ll leave you some links from the forum here in case they help you.

another post with more suggestions:

another one:

It’s not much because of the little information but I hope it helps you and good luck amigo. :smiling_face: :call_me_hand:t2:

I would like to know how to get fps and what app to use.

F8, Performance - there’s a native option to display FPS. If you don’t like that, RivaTuner Statistics Server (RTSS) is the best known third-party app for this

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