[SetPedPropIndex] Sync/Make all anchor points work


It would be great to be able to use all anchor points on peds and not just the ones used in the game natively.
One could use the hand anchor points for nicely synced props that can change texture quickly instead of having to attach objects for example.

Currently trying to use these anchors works visibly for yourself, but others around you will crash with Blue-Jupiter-Papa if you have a prop on any of those anchors.

Anchors that work are 0,1,2,6. I have tested anchor 5 with a custom prop on both freemode peds with the above result.


Any chance someone could have a look at this?
Clothing is a huge part of the community and this would unlock a lot more potential.


BIG PLUS 1 TO THIS!!! genuinely, clothing on rp servers is so important and having this would be so amazing for what RP servers do!


Plus, iā€™m waiting for this too


I am necroing this once again.

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Would love to see this kind of growth in your community. Great work. Plus from me as well on this topic for continued development.