Hello, I come to you to expose my problem.
My server and open since February 2019:
I pay Onesync.
Before I saw my server in the serverlist
Now he does not want to appear anymore
(no change on my part for that).
I estimate this problem for about 2 months.
The only way for my players to connect and via the
- F8 connect ip
- and the direct connect when the server has just been launched.
-I am at microserum, have spent 3 days to understand the problem, sends logs clients and server. I asked for the opening of my ports 30110 and 30130 to see without success.
Disable all script add for test but no hope and my server still does not want to appear in serverList.
I favored the favorite.json, but that does not change anything.
When we connect to the server and have disconnected after, nothing appears in the server history.
A friend of mine also took to Microserum 2 weeks ago and has the same problem.
When I go in the fivem serverlsit however I find a guy who made his server at microserum with the name “dev” and the logo microserum, but he is on port 29 *** a few things
Can you tell me why all of a sudden it’s impossible for my players to join other than F8. Which poses me problem to have new players.
In server top list we appear
Too many people have trouble, can we in the STAFF Fivem explain to us what would be the REAL problem :)?
My serverconfig have no problem and I receive the heartbeat 30110