Server Upgrade from Windows to Linux


I own a NFOSERVERS $12.50 VPS which i run my ESX Based server off of and recently i have been experiencing performance issues and hitch warnings. I think this is because my vps only has 1 cpu core and 1gb of ram.

I would like to know if i can upgrade my server from Windows Server 2012R2 to Ubuntu Server 18.04-LTS.

I have a massive database with over 50 people in the users file and lots of server files. Can i transfer my windows server files and my heidisql database onto the linux server? Will i need to change anything and will it run?

I’m thinking of getting this.

Would it work?

If this doesn’t work i will just upgrade my windows server 2012r2 server with a faster plan from nfoservers and i will somehow try and pay for it.

Thanks - Mart475.


I just found this.

Would this be better than the linux vps, its cheaper and its on windows.

If this zaphosting one good?

  • Mart475

You can move files and databases between linux and Windows without issue.

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Would the windows vps from zaphosting be better than the linux one from nfo? It’s like $8 usd cheaper and zaphosting is an official fivem server provider. What should i get?

I don’t have personal experience with either company but I can tell you more cores/more memory should result in better performance.

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When i get home than, i am going to be purchasing the zaphosting vps and i’l see if it runs better. If not i can refund probably. Thanks :slight_smile: I’l prob talk more in this post about my progress.

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There’s only 1 thing i don’t know how to do. How do i transfer my database from one VPS to another? Do i need to like export the database somehow or?

I think i figured out how to export the database. I bought the new vps and so far the experience has been smooth. Waiting until i can connect to my VPS!

Currently moving all of my server files over, i wonder what my ping will be to my server. I live in Australia so i may have over 250. -_-

Just tried to launch my server and it works but the processor speed is terrible. I have 600 ping on the server and it is not responding. Is there a way to get a refund?

You’re asking the wrong people, Mart. You need to direct refund questions to your host(ZAP). They’re customer service should be able to help you out.