Server Sided Open Interiors + IPL

Oh. Well thank you. Hope to maybe get one sorted soon

I think im making progress but its just the .cs not .csproj at least for this mod

Negative - it’s the .csproj

The csproj is the entire solution with libraries and dependencies, you’ll want to open that and then edit the .cs file within the .csproj - you’ll probably run into build issues if you don’t.

Well thanks for the help today but Im getting a head ache at this point.

When you’re new to visual studio and any variation of C it will have that effect on you. Just keep plugging at it C:

well i have done this…
but when i use my rebuild version man the frame drops insane…
So i have no idea what i do wrong… i use the build as it is shared

just add the References: CitizenFX.Core.dll
And build
And for some reason when then use the new
it kills the frame rate of server8430ddc50560d2beea7e8a188d29f58f

Probably left a loop to run wild in there somewhere.

well as some one else said here i think i will wait for other version with the blips XD
as im also 0 skilled in this XD
ow well

Alright… I got it to start the build but like…
Reference Include=“System.Core” />
Reference Include=“System.Xml.Linq” />
Reference Include=“System.Data.DataSetExtensions” />
Reference Include=“Microsoft.CSharp” />
Reference Include=“System.Data” />
Reference Include=“System.Net.Http” />
Reference Include=“System.Xml” />
Do I need to find all those files and input them somewhere as well?
I keep getting: The type or namespace name ‘CitizenFX’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) (CS0246) [IPL]

any update about new release so when can update or change anything from script…
Like the icon or remove some locations…

It’s great release but… !!!
I have been trying to edit the source code… and rebuild it…
but when i rebuild the original source u have on github it crash my server almost
as u can see on one of my reply’s here…

Or explain what i do wrong with rebuilding YOUR source code

Will you eventually add the Doomsday Heist interiors?

I just started a new server and the PDM interior is missing. I appreciate any suggestions. Thanks

same problem… :frowning:
any help fix?

I recommend using bob74_ipl it comes preconfigured for you all.

I think it’s amazing, but can I have a few more interiors made? Like the hotel in Harmony?

Ok so im so confused i added this to my server and no interiors are their clucking bell simeons and more all have no interiors then. what am I doing wrong

Do I add anything to the server.cfg file?