Server setter vehicles spawn with peds in them

Vehicles created using the server setter native CreateVehicleServerSetter will spawn with a ped inside them if the vehicle exists in the current client population.

For a replication of this issue, teleport to the following coords, wait for population spawns, then run the following command on the server:


RegisterCommand('spawnvehicle', function(source)
    CreateVehicleServerSetter(`utillitruck2`, 'automobile', GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(source)), 0)

The server setter will place a ped in the vehicle which will drive off with it.

Same happens with CREATE_AUTOMOBILE
I noticed it is easier to reproduce with multiple people nearby and when the model to be spawned is already loaded as part of the ambient population.
Here’s a repro while i was able to do it two times, being alone in the server/scope/session.
Code: txAdmin/sv_main_page.lua at e956d84b14e523e7c7165905d79b4743472c5b83 · tabarra/txAdmin · GitHub

Looks like video link expired, so here’s another reproduction

I noticed the cars do eventually drive out of scope. When the cars get back into the scope, they keep driving around with what i think are “pretend occupants”? (no ped in the driver seat - vehicle keeps driving)

This is all pretty weird.

A video of it occurring isn’t a repro, and another thread already has more information and several repro methods at Sometimes an NPC spawns inside an vehicle spawned with CreateVehicleServerSetter or CREATE_AUTOMOBILE.

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