Server Search Bar Steals Focus from Deferral Cards

Server Search Bar Steals Focus from Deferral Cards

What you expected to happen

Type in a text field of a deferral card, and have the text get written there.

What actually happens

When you start typing alphabet letters, the server search bar gets focused, and the text gets typed in there. This doesn’t happen when you type numbers.

Category of bug (eg. client, server, weapons, peds, native)

Client launcher/browser

Reproducible steps, preferably with example script(s)

  • Start FiveM
  • Search for a server that has deferral cards with a text input field
  • Enter some text in that field


Video Url

How about providing a script that does this rather than “search for a 1/1000 chance server”?

Hello. My unlisted test server is currently open ( and it could be used to reproduce the bug, however I’ll also provide a script soon.

Should be solved:

(though untested)

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Tested with the canary, and I confirm it works. Thank you very much :slight_smile: