Server running, players.json accessible, FiveM says server can't be found

Hi there guys,

I’m running out of ideas. I’m running a server, found at . Every once in a while, Players will get dropped with a lost connection error and my server will disappear from FiveM’s server browser and direct connect will result in “server not found”.

The server is running with no issues.
I test the port and the port is still open.
I tried moving ports.
I tried using a new key.
players.json is accessible.

The server is there, it’s running and I can access the gameserver’s json files. Why in the hell won’t FiveM allow connection? If it were a blocked port, the json files wouldn’t be visible so I have no idea what else I can do to try to stop this from happening.

Does anyone have any ideas on what else I can try?

Hung UDP thread or dropped UDP packets.

Can you explain further? The problem persists through gameserver and even OS restart.

@schwim are you running the server from, your home or is the hosted? if it is ran from your home it could be that your in bound connection to the server is not big enough to support running a server from your house and your isp is capping the traffic until the bottle neck slows sown, if it is hosted through say zap-hosting id put in a support ticket.

It’s a vps hosted through linode. Sorry for not providing that info initially.

@schwim still could be same issue possible id try their support system see if they have any suggestions because beyond what I mentioned I have no clue sadly :fearful:

I will give them a call when I get home. I’m nowhere near my data caps or throttles. I’m no closer to figuring it out though.