Server not showing up on list

Hello I have made sure that announce was on but for some reason my server will not show up on the server list but yet people can connect thru direct I.p and port. Plz if anyone has a solution. Idk if it has been blacklisted I just made the server a couple days ago

Do you host this from your own PC? If so, please make sure you check the following;

Did you open your ports for UDP and TCP? If so, continue reading. If not, make sure they are.

Please check if your service is available;

  1. Run the server
  2. Check your ListeningPort (default is 30120, if you didn’t change it or have no idea what I’m talking about just read on)
  3. Go to
  4. Change port ‘80’ to ‘30120’ on the website
  5. Run the check

If your service is available, then you configured your ports correctly and then it might have to do with something else e.g. your firewall.

If you service isn’t available your ports aren’t open. If so, read your router/modem manual or use google to find a solid solution for this.

Everyone can connect thru direct option so I know everything is correct and it on a host

The master server will only list a maximum of 4 servers per IPv4 address to prevent spam, it could be the server hosting company you use exceeds this.

We explicitly discourage the use of server hosting providers for various reasons including this one - it is recommended that users get their own VPS to host servers