Server not appearing in master list

Hi all,
My server isn’t visible in the server browser, yet i see pinging it back home.
The server is behind a NAT firewall (pfsense)
I’ve opened port 30110 and 30120 in pfsense.
My guess is that the external ip is reported wrong.
Before migrating to a new host i was using Digital Ocean with a small droplet, this worked flawlessly, and i could see my server in the serverlist.

Note: I can connect via direct connect.

Anyone has a clue where to look?

have you waited around 15 minutes? it takes a bit to show

Yea, it’s been 2 hours now.

Update, i sniffed packets with pfsense.

did you also open up the TCP port? also, why would you open 30110 incoming, nowhere is that mentioned nor is it needed

I opened both udp and tcp. Will close 30110 incoming then.

could it be pfsense is masking the outgoing udp source port, despite there being a nat rule? the udp source port as seen by the outside world needs to match the tcp port.

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