Server Identification Error

Hi, we are hosting an large server from popular Youtubers here in Brazil, and with huge public some problems show in the way.
We are receiving large 40Gbps attacks and this is already resolved but I don’t know if its related to the mitigation but we are receiving after an mitigation of the attacks some problems like:
Failed to handshake even when the protection is allowing the players to connect for this I need to know if anyone has precise informations about ports and packets size, just to relate with the informations that I have from the pcaps that we’ve gathered.
But the main problem is “Identification error” we’ve followed all the tutorials and solutions that exists in the internet but no one resolved.
I don’t know if this is related to us having right now 6 full servers and more players trying to access doing an “overflow” in the DB request, or if its related with mitigation.
Any information needed we can provide, we just want to resolve all this issues and open more servers for our community.

Post in the appropriate resource topic, this is not related to FiveM itself.

As a general hint, most pre-existing resources will be bad with regards to handling high player loads due to unoptimized database queries, making redundant database connections and/or other things; it’s recommended to write a server base yourself.

Also, as to ‘ports and packet sizes’ - this is simply HTTP connections to the TCP server port if you properly spelled out the error, if not please do so anyway.

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