Hello, I set up a home hosted vanilla server using the default server.cfg. I only changed the rcon password and the key.
The server starts up fine and I get several hertabeats sent to the live-internal.fivem.net:30110.
I have the firewall and port forwarding configured correctly given that other people can join via direct connect using my public IPv4. Also http://canyouseeme.org reports positive for the server being online.
I do have the line in server.cfg commented:
#sv_master1 ""
However, I can leave the server up for 1 hour or more that it never gets listed on the Servers List.
Am I missing something? Do I need to register the server somewhere? Donate in order for it to get online? Or does it really take days for the cache to be updated in order to update the list of new servers?
Thank you.