Server Crashed With Linux & Docker

Hello !
I just want to setup a server using docker but it crashed with error code 139 and never saw errors.

There is my repository :

Could anyone can help me ?
Thanks a lot !

The native that’s giving the error is the GetGameTimer() one, which kinda makes no sense but it has no docs or references. Try doing a text lookup for that native via VSCode in all of your server’s resources and see if there’s anything weird about it being called anywhere - that’d be a start.

It only found theses, that make no sens.
I tried start it outside of the docker container and i didn’t got any error. This is weird…

Well, that can only mean that the way dockers runs stuff messes with that native (or even more precisely, the way it’s being processed after being called). I’m not gimmick for docker stuff, sadly, so I wouldn’t know what to do here

Solution found !
stdin_open: true in docker-compose.yml works.