Server copied my server's name

Hello i would like to report a server that most likely stole my fivem server’s name their server’s name is code zero rp and my server’s name is code zero gaming i have had this name for 4 months and they have had their name for less that a month, thank you for taking the time to read this and i do not want their server taken down or anything bad i just want them to change their name.

Not how that works and nothing is going to happen.

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did i ask you? NO

don’t reply please

As mentioned before, nothing will come of it. Your best bet is to contact the other server owner and discuss it.

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If you don’t want an answer then don’t ask it in public bud. Either way nothing you can do is going to change anything. As what ChieF said you can try to contact the owner but they don’t have to do anything. And being rude to someone who answered your question is really not going to get you anywhere.


ok i appreciate you being chill i did thank you

You could just message the owners of that server if it’s really a big deal to you…