Sepura SC20 Radio Script


This is the Sepura SC20 radio script made by BKing Development. This script is made to be very accurate to the real life radio, with help from emergency services workers who have used the radio for many years in real life.

This script is very configurable, with 6 talkgroups able to be put into a total of 6 folders - thats a grand total of 36 available talkgroups!

This script is able to be used with Albo FMS or standalone. PMA Voice is required to use this script.

If you do not use Albo FMS, then the ISSI number for each person on the radio will be their Server ID.
If you use Albo FMS, then the numeric part of all force numbers must be unique on your system.

Store Link:

See the tutorial video here:

This video is from an old roleplay community which has since closed, however this is still relevant as the script functions have not changed.

To open the radio, the command is /rad
This can be bound in the FiveM Keybinds Menu.
The command /radanim can be used to toggle the player reaching to their shoulder when using the radio.


The main configuration of this file is done using the config.json in the BKingDev-Radio resource. This file is where you configure the talkgroups and talkgroup folders.

Inside the config.json, you will see the name of the folder, followed by a list of talkgroups within the folder. You can have a maximum of 6 talkgroup folders and 6 talkgroups.
If you do not want the whole 6, then you can delete the ones you don’t want.

The config.lua file within the BKingDev-Radio script is where you can configure the finer parts of the script, such as which commands to run for setting comms groups.

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2000
Requirements pma-voice
Support Yes
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absolutely amazing! :radio:

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