About Us:
Senka Wolf Gaming (SWG) was originally a group of friends that played different games together, whether that be first-person shooters, strategist games or simulations games. Two of the members decided to branch out and make a role-play FiveM sever.
The Server:
Senka Wolf Gaming is a community for passionate gamers who enjoy full emersions! We allow trainers so people can build up their role-play the way they want to, and start in whatever fashion they desire. You won’t have to run around town grinding to buy things to start role-playing; we avoid the “life server” principle to allow people to create their characters & scenarios as they see fit.
Current Departments:
- Los Santos Police Department
- Blaine County Sheriff’s Office
- Los Santos Fire Department
- Communications
- Civilians can create their own Role-Play companies.
- Fully structured Emergency Services departments.
- EUP for all uniform needs.
- Many in-game chat commands.
- Vehicle extras (light control systems, indicators, speed limits).
- CADSystem for both civilians and emergency services.
- Discord and TeamSpeak for communication across the community.
To Come:
- Completed website. (Underway)
- Custom vehicle models and textures. (Underway)
- Custom uniforms/peds.
- State Trooper, Highway Patrol
Joining the Community:
Joining SWG is super easy and quick, just join our discord, accept the rules and then join our server! Civilian is completely public, no application, no interviews, no training, it’s that quick.
LEO/FD is whitelisted and involves a recruitment process.
Website: Coming Soon!
TeamSpeak: http://invite.teamspeak.com/ts.senkawolf.com
Discord: http://discord.gg/JC7Hh3u