I see on a couple of servers a carlock system that your character is clicking on a remote and the lights of the car blinking quick… Can annyone tell me with script that is?? Searching but not find anny…
Thanks alot!!
I see on a couple of servers a carlock system that your character is clicking on a remote and the lights of the car blinking quick… Can annyone tell me with script that is?? Searching but not find anny…
Thanks alot!!
I searched “car locks” and got two results for an ESX script
and a standalone one
To be honest I don’t know if these ones flash the lights but I know that lambda menu flashes the lights when you lock and unlock the car i believe.
So not a answer wat I search…
I also find scripts but no one hase bling Lights… So… Thats not the problem
And it is a script not a menu what i’m looking for
I just sent three scripts, have you checked if they have blinking lights or not?
Like I ready say… There is no founded script with this… I have searching not found… So the sended one also has no blinking Lights…
Okay… but are you saying you tried the ones I sent or ignored them?
Because I have no idea if they have blinking lights but if you haven’t tried then you wont know.
In the Subscribe you can see that they not have the option
I guess the remote it’s just a prop attach to the entity during the animation. For the blinking lights you can use this native :
In game :
how to do that ???
What car lock script do you use? And like i said with the native above you can do this.
Exemple :
To turn on the lights of the car ( Ofc you need to replace “vehicle” depends of your script ) :
SetVehicleLights(vehicle, 2)
To turn off the lights of the car :
SetVehicleLights(vehicle, 0)
I gonna use [Release] LockSystem 3.1 (Updated the 07/16/2018) [BETA]
So where do I need to put the code that its working in the script?
Someone knows howto help me get it working?
I’m using esx_vehiclelock and I’ve modified it to flash lights. I’ve commented out one part as it won’t work for you.
ESX.TriggerServerCallback(‘esx_vehiclelock:requestPlayerCars’, function(isOwnedVehicle)
if isOwnedVehicle then local lockStatus = GetVehicleDoorLockStatus(vehicle) if lockStatus == 1 then -- unlocked SetVehicleDoorsLocked(vehicle, 2) -- TriggerServerEvent('InteractSound_SV:PlayWithinDistance', 0.5, "carlock", 1.0) Wait(500) SetVehicleLights(vehicle, 2) Wait(100) SetVehicleLights(vehicle, 0) Wait(100) SetVehicleLights(vehicle, 2) Wait(100) SetVehicleLights(vehicle, 0) Wait(500) PlayVehicleDoorCloseSound(vehicle, 1) exports['mythic_notify']:DoHudText('Inform', 'Locked...') elseif lockStatus == 2 then -- locked SetVehicleDoorsLocked(vehicle, 1) Wait(500) SetVehicleLights(vehicle, 2) Wait(100) SetVehicleLights(vehicle, 0) Wait(100) SetVehicleLights(vehicle, 2) Wait(100) SetVehicleLights(vehicle, 0) PlayVehicleDoorOpenSound(vehicle, 0) exports['mythic_notify']:DoHudText('Inform', 'Unlocked...') end end end, ESX.Math.Trim(GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle)))
Where can I find this code to replace it?
esx_vehiclelock.rar (3.1 KB)
This isn’t my script, all I did was edit it to flash lights, honk the horn, and use the keyfob animation.
Thank you for this job, but can I remove the horn and add an alarm sound instead of that when locking?
Replace the line with the car horn with this:
TriggerServerEvent('InteractSound_SV:PlayWithinDistance', 0.5, "carlock", 1.0)
You’ll also need this resource:
InteractSound.rar (2.8 MB)
Thank you for everything