Scripts don't start on server start

Some scripts don’t start on server start FiveM so I have to start them through the Txadmin. Can anyone help

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Please share more information, such as the part of your server.cfg where you are trying to start the resources, define what resources aren’t starting, and share your server console log, so it can be checked for any errors.

Not much that can be done with the little information you’ve given so far…

Well, it depends on why is that a thing. I’ll tell you few things that are necessary for scripts to start.

  1. Dependencies:

For example, es_extended (eg. ESX) has mysql-async as its dependency. Without it, it wouldn’t start.

  1. Right way to start script automatically is

In your server.cfg


ensure script_name


start script_name

  1. Other scripts might be stopping your scripts which is highly unlikely but everything is possible!

If someone wants to add something, you’re welcome!

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You’ve marked your answer as an Solution, so reply if you want. If you still need help, then send screenshots in either my pm or here what is the name of your resource and line of where you start your resource in server.cfg.

Im offering help, since this isn’t an actual solution.

When i start my server i have to manually start easyadmin and area of patrol why?

Could you send here your server.cfg here? (Delete any vulnerable information, steam hex, license key, mysql etc.) or Just part where you have every start, ensure, stop? It would be helpful, I’m not some god that has access to anyone’s files.

i have it resolved
Sorry for the late responce

Glad to hear that! Better late than never :wink:

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yeah… i created another topic on my page a couple of minuets ago can you go check it out and see if you have an answer?

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