Script problems with Xsound

Howdy so i recently purchased a Payphone Script, been trying to find support for it; but have been waiting like 3 weeks for a response from the creator.

so i thought maybe y’all will be able to figure it out.

i installed the payphone script correctly, aswell as Xsouynd however im now having these errors show up when attempting to call another payphone.

[ 229984] [b3095_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^1SCRIPT ERROR: No such export PlayUrlPos in resource xsound^7
[ 234671] [b3095_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^1SCRIPT ERROR: No such export Destroy in resource xsound^7

Hey hey

What is the Payphone script and can you link the documentation for it?

he doesn’t have a post of CFX to my knowledge

here’s the read me

readme.MD (3.0 KB)

You may have the wrong version of XSound.
I checked this one and it had the exports

function PlayUrlPos(name_, url_, volume_, pos, loop_, options)
    -- Function body here...
exports('PlayUrlPos', PlayUrlPos)
function Destroy(source, name_)
    TriggerClientEvent("xsound:stateSound", source, "destroy", {
        soundId = name_,

exports('Destroy', Destroy)

I would download and use this!

Hope that helps! :slight_smile:

Thank you, i’ll give er a try!

Feel free to reach back out if it doesnt work!

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[ 244953] [b3095_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset int_wnews.ybn.
[ 244953] [b3095_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is INVALID, but we’ve fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it.
[ 244953] [b3095_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65535, when there are only 2970 vertices.
[ 407593] [b3095_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^1SCRIPT ERROR: @xsound/client/exports/play.lua:57: attempt to perform arithmetic on a vector3 value^7
[ 407593] [b3095_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^3> ref^7 (^5@xsound/client/exports/play.lua^7:57)
[ 407593] [b3095_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^1SCRIPT ERROR:
[ 407593] [b3095_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^5 An error occurred while calling export PlayUrlPos in resource xsound:
[ 407593] [b3095_GTAProce] MainThrd/ nil
[ 407593] [b3095_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^5 —^7

now i seem to be having these issues

Well that is fun it seems like its having issus with the int_wnews.ybn. Are you loading up XSound before the other resource starts?

i dont think i am, hmm well i suppose i’ll try loading it before LMAO

Yeah that could cause it ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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