Script Error: 862 extra bytes

You have find the problem :frowning: ??

Nope :frowning:

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i have found the problem for me i have add a lot off items in my db and i have delete
a little bit of this items and it’s good that working
sorry for my bad english ^^

I have the same problem, it only happens to one person on my server, I don’t know what to do

Hi guys,

I have also the same problem, but if i reset the player inside the DB or something nothing happen.
It’s for only some players not all…
Someone find the solution or have any idea ?

SCRIPT ERROR: citizen:/scripting/lua/MessagePack.lua:862: extra bytes

TriggerServerCallback (@es_extended/server/functions.lua:33)
handler (@es_extended/server/common.lua:88)


Hey Guys.

After troubleshooting this for days it seems the only resolution was to empty my entire ITEMS table in the SQL db. I’m fairly positive it has to do with some item that has been stuck/ghosted. It makes no sense to me but I had cleared every trace of the player out of the system and it still didn’t work until clearing.

Unfortunately i’ll have to go back through my resources and re-add all the items for the ones we have active in the server. I should have kept up with cleaning the DB when I took non working/old ones out.


i have the same error! did i read it right if i came to the solution that i need to remove weapons from the items tabel?

I was using esx_inventoryhud and I had to delete all weapons from my items tables and that did the trick. The error never happened after that.

Then I had to rewrite portions of the inventoryscript to make weapons show up properly and have their specified weight taken into account (i fetch the info from DB rather than the config.lua)

Right now just stuck with my drag-n-drop shops since weapons are no longer items, gotta find a way to check if ped already has the weapon when you buy one.

Well , you’ve got maybe 2 files like 2 mysql-async

i only have one, any other things that can solve it?

well that was annoying, thank to hints from this thread i found my bug… i was playing with skins but turned out the freaking weapons loadout on a few specific players… happen when i change esx_clothing for esx_np_skinshop_v2, saved 1 outfit at the store and all hell broke loose… thx forum!

do you have an sollution now ? because i have the same error

Do you have an sollution now ? Because i have the same error… pls help!

Do you have all of your weapons correctly annotated in es_extended ConfigWeapons.lua? I have noticed that if you spawn a weapon in (like a mk2 weapon) that is not in the config then it will break that character

ah okey thank you very much i solved now :heart:

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