Script Error: 862 extra bytes

And you have find the solution ?

Maybe load skin error. Try change it, esx_skin, skincreator, esx_jobs, ambulance, police. I think it’s no load file skin. I Tried it work but (delete skin job_grade in sql )

Having the same error here, any fix?

Same issue here, tested on various artifacts and builds. WTB Unpack messagepack.

No, this error is coming back again and again

I am also getting this issue. Not sure what is causing it at all. Erasing a loadout worked for me earlier, but then someone else joined and they caused the error.

This has to be a inventory hud error. I noticed when this begins to go bad the players inventory does not have 1 single item inside, not cash or food nothing. Alt tab to console and spammed with …

When i tell them to open inventory, It then triggers a es_extended error: server/functions/33

Hello Decium,

I have found the problem, but i dont have the solution.

The problem is, if you check some steamid of your player on the table user_inventory, they got some item in double… when you delete all user_inventory, they will not have the error again.

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Is the “item” that is duping related to weapon category by chance…Is this an “ammo” problem?

Is this error happening from player having 2 guns of same kind? Like if somehow an AI PED drops a ‘weapon_pistol’ from a mission and a player “picks” up the gun from the ground and it land into their inventory & they already had a ‘weapon_pistol’

So i have the same error. When a palyer joins sometimes i get extra bytes or missing bytes. alredy tried debugging the last called server callback, didnt work.
Im gonna check if the Job Skin thing is my problem.

Further i noticed since im using Es_extended 1.2+ (lastest repo version that was available) players always get “Reading configuration from *** failed” It may not be related to esx but noticed it since using newer versions.
My Problem is that i cant downgrade cause the newest verison uses adifferent SQL setup than the older ones

Same issue here and im not using the lastest repo version of ESX. Did you guys found out any solution please ?

Ok, my issue was caused when I tryed to implement weapons / ammo as item, in my database.
I removed one by one manually the weapons and ammo refered to every weapons, from my database and also, my character / and the whole user_inventory table : it solved my error. No more spam, no more errors, hopefully it can help someone.

I got it solved cause in the Job Database there were jobs which didnt have a skin (not even the ‘{}’) / buggy skin. this cause esx to crash when a player joins. got it fixxed now.

My problem isnt fixed for me…

I see from where its caused but i dont know how to fix it… some players have twice item on user_inventory… normal its to be unique and not twice… if someone know…

Can’t you just clean the user_inventory table ?

I already make it, but the problem is that spawn twice some items in user_inventory…

Also, in the items table there were weapons like items removed and the problem disappeared.

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THIS IS WHAT BROKE US – Weapon “like” items in our Items DB – IE flashlight, silencer…etc

Cleaned out my items and BOOM…all fixed!

Delete the player’s inventory from user_inventory

We have the same issue! Solutions provided are not working.

This is actually happening for one person only on our server…

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