Scotch & Iron: The world's best FiveM server*

*voted best by schwim.

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Awesome server…love the cars and jobs are actually ones you can make some cash doin.

Loveeee that guy!!! He just gave me a free car and money!! Love this place :smiley:

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Landscape, yo.

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Those new cars OMGGGGGG bro <3

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Bumping this topic because:

OMGWTFBBQ More custom cars, hidden chests, usable Chiliad trams and peds drop cash. Go postal and secure your retirement!

If you’re feeling extra naughty, rob one of the banks or stores for some big bucks. If you’re feeling only mildy naughty, take a moment to deliver a needed vehicle to the chopshop for some for smaller bucks but less of a chance to be ventilated by the local po-po.

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Enjoying off roading at … SCOTCH AND IRON RP. :motorcycle:

The mayor decided to try his hand at construction but took a wrong turn on his way home to pick up his lunch. Unfortunately, he’s going to be in the hospital for quite some time so he wasn’t able to go back to the job site to pick up his tool chest. Find it and claim his newly repaired rally truck and some easy cash!