Scammer Server Problem Sorta thing

So I let someone help me configure plugins on my FiveM server. This person then decides to block me and still have access to my server. I have since fully deleted the server so it no longer exists. The only problem though is that I had already put my FiveM key on that server and this person had access. I’m concerned that this person could get me banned from FiveM. Is there anything I could do or anything anyone recommends doing in this case?

Just disable the key…

I did that. Any other things anyone recommends doing? Is there like a way to report this person to FiveM?

No, they didn’t do anything that violates anything related to FiveM.

I don’t know if they have, but they could have. I’m not sure if they added like a cracked plugin or something to a server that’s registered under my account.

I’m telling you they didn’t do anything that FiveM can deal with. You are the one that decided to trust this user.

This makes zero sense. Nothing gets “registered” to an account.