scalePhone - an iFruit Phone framework

  1. Go into the resources folder
  2. Right click on scalePhone-main
  3. Rename it to scalePhone
  4. Right click on crit-phone-main
  5. Rename it to crit-phone

If you still don’t understand, please, don’t use this resource.

thank you bro install ho gya thank you so much

how to add Contact

Hey boss, any chance you know anything about changing the colour of the phones case?
I’m tryna add this as a feature in the settings, but I’m new to this whole scaleform thing and can’t quite decipher it properly

Hi, yes, there is a way to modify it now.

The native is here: scalePhone/client/cl_phone_events.lua at 96e9f46d71e26ce690e05f540c5d72d833bc37e1 · CritteRo/scalePhone · GitHub

0 is the ID of the case color. There are 7 in total (0 to 6), same colors as the OS themes.

I just sent an update to the framework, adding the new event scalePhone.ChangePhoneCase. Works the same way as the theme event:

--lua. client-side. Event is net secure.
TriggerEvent("scalePhone.ChangePhoneCase", {phoneCaseID = 2}) --sets the phone case Red.

The phone case will not be saved if you leave the server. So you have to set it whenever the player joins.

Make sure to update the framework, as I just pushed this update.

cheers pal, works perfect

Nice jobs !

hello bro how to add contact in phone