hello do you have any idea where i can get the script that i can leave the cars in the parking lot for jobs. As well as on GrandRP
January 6, 2023, 7:34pm
Can you explain more about the script? It doesn’s exist here I think…
The script means that you don’t need a garage for your jobs, but the vehicles are in the garage and the police officers can simply get in and drive off. also nahc restart
There are several resources that allow for saving vehicles to positions. Although I am unsure if that is exactly what you are looking for.
My own (can dynamically save any vehicles player interact with):
What is it and what does it do exactly?
If a player enters a vehicle, it will be registered in the database as a saved vehicle. The vehicle
will always stay at the last location where it has been left by a player. If it despawns while
players are too far away from it or after a server restart, the script will respawn the vehicle on
server side as soon as a player gets close enough. This also means no more “despawns” when looking
away for a second.
All vehicle modifications and sta…
Free alternative:
ZeroDream Parking
A car parking script for FiveM | Standalone | Custom framework support
Preview Video
[FiveM ZeroDream Parking Script Test]
Stored the cars like the real life, your cars will not disappear when you are offline.
When you are outside the car, you can press key to save/drive it.
Store vehicle damage (Windows, tires, doors, deformations).
On global parking mode, you can park your car anywhere.
Require parking fees for player, also player not need to …
There are also a few others. Just look for “real parking” in the release section.