Sandy Shores PD Remastered

Custom Sandy Shore’s PD Remastered / Remade From Original, Witch is no Longer Avavlible

Sheriff.rar (12.0 KB)

Download the File

Drop and Drag into your server resources folder

Then Type start Sheriff in your server CFG

Its a work in progress ill be adding it to paleto bay pd soon

Hey kane haslewood, This is a wonderful ymap that ymap that you have made. Did you make it yourself?

This is an exact copy of the original…

I Remade it using photos from the original put in about 15 hours as i dont have no life hahaha

Can you please provide the object door names so I can use doorlocks on them?

Edit: Found the names. Did some digging and realized vMenu had a built-in model hash viewer:
setr vmenu_disable_entity_outlines_tool

For anyone else who may find this helpful:
The 3 Jail Doors = ‘prop_ld_jail_door’,
Door to Locker Room = ‘v_ilev_ct_door03’
Armored Security Door - Entrance to Jail Cells = ‘v_ilev_cd_entrydoor’

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