Sandy Shores Auto Shop - 2 Moved Location

For this to work with Our Chumash Auto Shop & Fuel Station you will need to make sure all the auto shops provided by us is the newest versions - due to some changes to make them all work fluidly You can do so by going to the google drive link in the bottom of the description

We went and made our own from scratch and move our building over here and it has proper collsions
None of there files were used to make this either

[Legacy Map`s made the same thing before us but we noticed his building had no collision and a fix they did was placed a bunch of stuff around it]
Original: [RELEASE] [MLO] [FREE] *Updated* Auto Mechanic Garage In Sandy Shores behind 24/7
After we posted they fixed theres our is still gonna stay up but will be updated more soon

  • pls no hate either this was my first attempt at this.

Download: SM-Auto-2.rar - Google Drive


Updates coming soon !!!

  • Keep a eye out
  • Major Redesign
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