Sanctuary Roleplay | Serious Storyline Driven Roleplay | Unique Ruleset | Gabz Interiors | 100's of Custom Cars | Player Owned Businesses | Crafting | Loads of Criminal/Civ activities |

                    Sanctuary Roleplay

Sanctuary Roleplay is a FiveM community built by roleplayers for roleplayers! We have played in the servers, staffed the servers, seen the good storylines and the bad. We are creating this project to bring to life a strong storyline driven RP server through organic interactions in a world that we layout for you. We promote roleplay over gunplay, roleplay over rule play, and try to steer all newcomers in the right direction to learn the ways of roleplay in a serious environment!

Those that come from FiveM will find that the city is packed with great features from civ jobs to custom cars and gang turf. The experience here is much more realistic and interactive than what you may be used to! With a rich environment waiting to be explored and players across the map living out realistic roles amongst the locals of the state. You will find yourself immersed in the world that surrounds you!

Server is packed with custom scripts ready to lead you on your ambitious journey into Los Santos!

I could list all the great features here but you’re better off spending the 20 minutes to login and check it out!!


can you sort out a connection problem ??

Make a new post - this post is titled GoldRush lol.

stupid fucking server