San Andreas State Roleplay | QBCORE | FIVEM | ROLEPLAY

We are excited to announce and invite you all to join our community. Come check it out, even if you are just starting out or a seasoned player. We are looking for members who share the passion of FiveM and those who want to contribute to the growth of the community.
About us:
Our focus is creating the best opportunities for Roleplay. We encourage collaboration with the community to help grow each others RP experience. We offer a QBcore, Vmenu style server. Gangs, Police, DOJ, Lots of cars and housing to purchase.
How to Join:
To become a valued member, simply join our discord by clicking the following link
Come join us and enrich your FiveM experience. If you have any questions or require help, reach out in the discord

We are in need of professional, like minded experts in QBCORE Framework
LSPD, BCSO are looking for High Command Professional Experts
DOJ, Lawyers, Judges have open positions
Gangs need leadership and prospects