San Andreas State Roleplay | Hiring Admins | Applications | Mature | New | Realistic | vMenu

San Andreas State Role Play
Est. March 2020

SASRP is a professional, serious roleplaying community. We want a friendly, family environment. We are a community dedicated to realism and professionalism.

What makes us unique:
Our community offers features most community do not have. Some of these are but not limited to; fully realistic city and departments, a custom cad, custom scripts, experience points system, patrol groups, and a family like community. SASRP’s goal is to have the most realistic feel in roleplay.

Many Departments:
They’re a couple of departments within the SASRP. In the future we hope to expand!

  • San Andreas Highway Patrol
  • Blaine County Sheriff’s Office
  • Civilian Operations
  • Los Santos Police Department


  • Be over the age of 13
  • A legal copy of Grand Theft Auto V
  • Discord
  • MUST show respect to both players and staff, administrators at all times!
  • Must be able to speak full English

How do I join?

good server

join today

Join Now

Join now please

so…im curious what sets you apart from other servers just curious…

looking good i like the discord

wel we have a custom cad, really easy applications and we are pretty new we currently have about 35 members and we are welcoming anyone that wants to join

We Are Strong

Join Please

We Are Growing Fast

We appreciate all the support

help me

its easy

download the NativeUI file then start it then download the eup and start it

Then in game do /eup

DM me

yeah help

join today people

Post pictures of the community… People won’t join something they don’t know what they’re getting