San Andreas Roleplay Community | Need Cops & Medics | Realistic | Menu Based | Discord:

:boy: San Andreas Roleplay Community :girl:

Hey everyone! :wave: The San Andreas Roleplay Community is recruiting new members! We are looking for all players, ranging from civilians on the street, to law enforcement recruits! The application process is quick and easy, and civilians don’t require any application besides our CAD system registration. We’ll have you set up on the server in no time.

We are recruiting for:
:cop: Sheriff’s Office
:oncoming_police_car: Highway Patrol
:fire_engine: Fire Department
:ambulance: Medical Services
:computer: Dispatcher
:person_with_blond_hair: Civilian

:small_orange_diamond: Active and friendly staff, always looking for feedback to improve your roleplay experience
:small_orange_diamond: Easy to operate CAD system
:small_orange_diamond: Addon Vehicles
:small_orange_diamond: Discord server to interact with other members of the community and connect
:small_orange_diamond: Various server-side resources and plugins to improve your experience

Interested? Join here! We welcome you with open arms, and hope to provide you an awesome, realistic, roleplay experience. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me (Pilot#2590) on Discord or ask a question in the community Discord server. :smiley: