The San Andreas DOT is currently recruiting for a developer or two to help bring about some unique systems for our FiveM server. I don’t think the systems will be too hard to code, but I am what you would call “old” when it comes to coding. If it was C Source from the 90s I could make it dance. LUA on the other hand, I’ve been messing with it for a month now, its starting to click, but the codes/scripts/whatever I want to do will take me months through trial and error.
The general concept of our server is still being molded, but the idea is Cops vs Truckers, and we are looking to build further detail in the commercial vehicle aspect of FiveM and GTA. We currently do not have a player base though some random people have passed through our halls. Code wise we are running off the ES/ESX Framework and have installed the basics from the shared scripts library here on FiveM.
If interested, drop by our discord channel, send me an e-mail or contact me here on the forums. While free volunteer work would be nice, its 2017 and people need to get paid. We’ll discuss that after some proof of experience.
Deathsquad Iceworks (Since 1997)
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