Saint Denis Fight Club, Club Table & Money Laundering Station [YMAP/Free]

Download : GitHub - MrBohannon/FightClub

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Thank you so much for this map, it’s great! I’m having a bit of an issue with it though. The hallway that you first port into is too short to work with the teleportation script we are using and (as I’m sure you know!) you can’t teleport straight into the Fight Club from Saint Denis without falling through the world in that inaccessible area of the map. Do you have a suggested solution or workaround for people with this problem? Thank you :smiley:

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You need to first set the first teleport spot to the hallway. Since the hallway is above ground the user wont fall through the world when they arrive at the hallway then the fightclub YMAP will load and they will have no issues

hey guys, any idea why i cant see lights on the map?, :frowning: when i enter is just grey whitout lights

theres a ladder in one of the rooms that leads up into a empty room… you need to fix this an take out the barrel at the bottem of the ladder… you can’t get around it an get forced to go up the ladder again…

I can’t find it anywhere in game. Am i glitched? Or could someone just tell me where it is please

You need to create a teleport system to get inside the fightclub

Teleport take to Tunnel - YOU SET Teleport to Fight Club - vector3(3922.721, -1695.83, 50.205) Fight Club Spawn - vector3(3969.997, -1716.537, 36.28735)

I get this in console:
[ resources:FightClub] Warning: could not find file stream/House.ymap (defined in fxmanifest.lua:8)
[ resources:FightClub] Warning: could not find file stream/HouseInsides.ymap (defined in fxmanifest.lua:8)

Downloaded the zip and indeed don’t see a house.ymap or houseinsides.ymap, any clue on this?