Runs Extremely Slow

Hey there.

FiveReborn runs extremely slow for me. The server browser, chat within servers and everything else relating to the client runs terribly slow. However, actually playing the game runs fine. I get 60+ fps constantly. It’s whenever I have to interact with the client and doing the things listed above.

My specs are as follows:

Windows 10 Pro x64 bit // Version 1607
Intel i5 6400 @ 2.70 GHz
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 (6Gb)
16 Gb RAM

I hope the information I gave helps. Everyone I have asked has no idea why my problem exists so I hope someone here can help. Thanks in advance.

Are you running it with the correct graphics card?

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Yes, I have my HDMI connected straight into the HDMI port for my GFX. GTA V detects the card so that’s also how I know.

I am having the same exact issue, were you able to find a fix? Extremely sluggish when using fivem chat, server browser, etc. But solid fps in game and no issues with the game itself, just fivem features

I am having this issue today my client is running horrible my lambda menu dose not spawn cars for like 5 mins and Peds are the same I reinstalled it twice and cleared my cache and still having issues.

Please post your own topic with your information instead of reviving year old threads.