Run .sql file in server database

Hey Team, could you please explain the process of running an .sql file into my server database? I have noticed that downloaded resources and scripts have .sql files which is required to be ran into the server database. I am unsure what this exactly means. I would appriciate help on running .sql files in my data base. Thank You!!!

You use a tool like mysql workbench to open the .sql file and execute the script that’s inside it against your database.

How to do so varies on how your server is hosted.

Thanks for that reply ! Appreciate it, I am hosting through with mysql and essential mode. Do you have information on this? Please feel free to share. <3

I do not, sorry. They might have a guide on how to use it (I don’t use Zap).

ZAP panels include a link to PHPMyAdmin, if I remember correctly. You can use that to run SQL commands on your database.

I was able to find this within 1 minuet after seeing your reply. You’re a blessing bro! Thank you!!!