[RSG] - Scripts Collection

Mack Scripts are Scripts for use with RSG RP Servers, All our Scripts are a Work in Progress, Hence the Prices. We aim to offer Cheap Scripts that add RP and Content to your Servers.

All our scripts and more are working Currently on our Dutton County RP Server**. If you would like try any of our scripts Prior to Buying, Contact Mack Via our county Discord and we can Temp WL you to let you look around and try them out.

Discord : Dutton County RP
Tebex : Mack-Scripts · Welcome

| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Requirements | RSG-Core |
| Support | No |


Updates :slight_smile:

I bought the package, got mail to donwl9ad the assets but after dowbloading them wont load into the server. Seems like need a licence key in cfx.re. somehow cant find the scripts in cfx.re
Tried to contact seller but unfortunately there is no discord or support. Feels like scummed over 200 euro

Since been in contact with This chap on Discord and we sorted this. This was a Issue with the way i packed the package of files. This was not a Scam.


We had Issues with the Old Tebex

So if your a Customer, and looking for the Items to Be added to your CFX assets. We can sort this.
Most of you, we sorted the issue as a Temp Measure. But we would like to ensure you get the Assets in your CFX, so that you get updates.

Contact us :

Mack-Scripts · Welcome