This is the cheapest and most configurable gold panning script on the market for the rsg framework. This is the first of many scripts to come for the rsg framework as I work to bring RSG up to date and in line with other frameworks. ANY UPDATES EVER will be free for any script that I produce.
Dragonotto Goldpanning - RSG
Players can obtain a gold pan and use it to search the waters for gold!!!
1. Features
- Easy to edit and config
- Super low CPU usage
- Players can search for gold in every lake, pond, river, creek, and swamp
- Different waters have different rewards, amounts, and chances all fully configurable.
2. Dependencies
RSG-Core RSG RedM Framework · GitHub
3. How to Install
Put d-panning into server-data/resources/
Open server.cfg and add after the dependency resources: ensure d-panning
Add the items from config to inventory
Checkout the script in action!!
Check out my tebx here and keep an I open for more scripts in the coming days and weeks!!
| Code is accessible No
| Subscription-based No
| Lines (approximately) 500
| Requirements RSG Core
| Support Yes